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Fate Series Book 1

When Beth discovers the one she loves has deceived her, she flees New York City without telling him she’s carrying his child. Two years later, she must return to New York from Connecticut and face her baby’s father. Just when Phil decides to forget his love for Beth, she reappears with shocking news. He won’t forgive her for what she’s done, but he’ll do anything to save the little girl he didn’t know existed. With Phil and Beth at odds, nothing short of a miracle from God will change Melissa’s fate.


Shattered expectations and unwitting mistakes drag a couple through the trial of their lives, a marriage of convenience, and ultimately a lesson on the importance of faith, love, and family.

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The sixteen-year-old spunky daughter of a judge falls in love with the son of a school teacher in the Ozarks prior to the Great Depression. Clella believes their love will never die, but times and people change. Six children and two decades later, Clella feels desperate. The man she thought would always be by her side is miles away while she tries to remain faithful and pick up the pieces in another town. When a chance meeting changes everything, Clella’s faith and beliefs are tested.


Follow Clella through her true story about love, loss, betrayal, and the courage to love again.

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Impossible Fate: Book 2 of The Fate Series


As the Drake family story continues, David Drake falls in love with his childhood best friend, Aliyah Zimmerman, but theirs is an impossible love. David is a Christian and Aliyah is Jewish. Her parents forbid even their friendship, but they find ways to be together. In middle school, their hearts are shattered when Mr. Zimmerman moves Aliyah and the family to Israel. David and Aliyah lose all connection until college, but by then David is dating someone else. Is their love still strong? Can David bridge the gap between his Christianity and Aliyah’s Jewish faith in time to save their relationship and prevent her impending marriage or is theirs an impossible fate?

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Love's Fate:  Book 3 of the Fate Series


To Deborah who lost her sister, Aliyah, to a Christian cult, the only thing worse than a Jewish Christian is an Arab Christian. But Amir, banished from his Arab-Israeli family, falls in love with the sad, beautiful, Jewish Deborah at first sight. A bond forms between them despite their religious and ethnic differences. After Deborah’s sister left, her parents Yosef and Esther loathed each other, and nothing can ignite feelings of love between them. While David Drake and Aliyah return to her homeland of Israel as missionaries, David’s sister, Melissa, tries to reach teenagers with the message of abstinence, but her own marriage threatens to derail her mission. Little do they all know what the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob has planned for them and the Fate of their love.

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Halley is going on a Christmas cruise with Candace, but when she boards the ship and opens her door, all hopes of a merry cruise evaporate. Candace has sold her ticket to Devon, the mean-spirited bully who took pleasure in tormenting Halley in high school. Now she must share the same room, attend the same excursions, and eat at the same table with the one man she never wanted to see again. 
This Christmas, join the cruise where enmity meets forgiveness and hatred falls for love.

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In this second book, the true story continues with Clella “Catherine” and her family in 1957. Life holds such promise as they travel to new destinations and adventures, from one job and town to another. Catherine loves her husband and he loves her; isn't that all that matters? She soon learns her trials are not over. It's through these trials and adversities, however, that Catherine and her daughter, Diane, discover the will to overcome through the one and only true love, which is all that matters. 

Now Available in Audiobook Format!


Fate Series Book 1 Audiobook

Shattered expectations and unwitting mistakes drag a couple through the trial of their lives, a marriage of convenience, and ultimately a lesson on the importance of faith, love, and family.

When Beth discovers the one she loves has deceived her, she flees New York City without telling him she’s carrying his child. Two years later, she must return to New York from Connecticut and face her baby’s father. Just when Phil decides to forget his love for Beth, she reappears with shocking news. He won’t forgive her for what she’s done, but he’ll do anything to rescue the little girl he didn’t know existed. With Phil and Beth at odds, nothing short of a miracle from God will change Melissa’s fate.

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Halley is going on a Christmas cruise with Candace, but when she boards the ship and opens her door, all hopes of a merry cruise evaporate. Candace has sold her ticket to Devon, the mean-spirited bully who took pleasure in tormenting Halley in high school. Now she must share the same room, attend the same excursions, and eat at the same table with the one man she never wanted to see again. This Christmas, join the cruise where enmity meets forgiveness and hatred falls for love.





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